
CRITICS PICK! “a gorgeously lucid, intimate production…Jenn Murray rides the current of the monologue like a river” It's easy.
- Laura Collins Hughes, The New York Times
The monologues—as Spallen designs them and Nicola Murphy directs them with crafty craft—are so deliciously meaty, they give Allan-Headley, Magee, and O’Malley much juicy to chew on........Strap the Must-See banner on this one.
-David Finkle, NY Stage Review (Pumpgirl, 2019)
The production serves as a fine calling card for the director, Nicola Murphy, who gets excellent performances from her trio of performers.
-David Barbour, Lighting & Sound America (Pumpgirl, 2019)
Stop / Over makes full use of the whole of the third floor for the production. Turning the open plan, spare surroundings of The Chocolate Factory into New York ....An immersive experience that fizzes with emotion and promise."
- Laura Marriot, The Reviews Hub (StopOver, Dublin FRINGE 2018)
“RENT for a new generation, with a faultless cast, exquisite performances, and vocals that move the soul.”
ScotsGay, Edinburgh Festival Fringe for RENT(2015)
“This is one of those theatrical experiences not to be missed…spectacular grounded honesty and presence by the illuminating Jenn Murray… Nicola Murphy’s direction is sparse perfection.” –
- Holli Harms, The Front Row Center
(A Girl is a Half-formed thing, 2021)
"Murphy has some serious talent to bring to the table, shown during an exquisite sequence involving a lace curtain which displayed touches of beauty and brilliance."
- Chris O' Rourke, The Arts Review
(StopOver Dublin FRINGE 2018)
Press with Nicola
Lauren Class Schneider talks to Nicola Murphy, Director of “PUMPGIRL” playing off-Broadway at the Irish Repertory Theatre.
Nicola is interviewed by Brian Dillon at The Irish Star Online about learning the Irish Language in NYC
Nicola is interviewed about her personal and professional experience in New York by Bold Journey Magazine